Had a lovely testimonial sent to me on Facebook, actually brought tears to my eyes, thank you so much Bethan.
Photoshoot Makeup
Makeup I did for a shoot at Pendine Manor, with the very talented photographer Paul O’Connell and beautiful model Natasha Bromham.
Before and After Wedding Makeup
Before and after makeup on my beautiful bridesmaid
Bridal Makeup
Photos by amazing Kaan Ucele Photography of my beautiful bride Funda I had the pleasure of doing makeup on last weekend in Llandeilo.
Wedding Makeup
Before and after makeup on my beautiful bridesmaid this morning.
Wedding Makeup
Just love these photos by amazing Photographer Pippa Carvell of beautiful Bethan Lewis’s wedding I had the pleasure of doing makeup on in May last year.
Wedding Makeup review
Special offer – Makeup with individual false eyelashes Just £35.00 at my home beauty studio
Photoshoot Makeup
Photoshoot I did Makeup for with Amazing photographer Viktorija Kilikeviciute and beautiful model Nadia Kudrjasova.
Bridal Makeup
Another one of my gorgeous brides and bridesmaids from last year I had the pleasure of doing makeup on Charlotte Glover.